Members of the public are invited to come along to hear the latest updates and meet new Governors at the next quarterly meeting of Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust’s Council of Governors. The meeting takes place on Wednesday 7 August, 5.45-8pm in the Esk Room at the Pavilions of Harrogate, Great Yorkshire Showground, Harrogate, HG2 8NZ.
Items on the agenda at the meeting include a welcome from the organisation’s Chairman Angela Schofield, a strategic and operational update from Chief Executive Steve Russell and a question and answer session for Governors and members of the public. Members will also be able to meet their newly elected Governors on the Council.
Angela Schofield, Trust Chairman, said: “We would be delighted to welcome members of the public to our quarterly Council of Governors’ meeting to see presentations from the Governors and senior Trust executives. There is also the opportunity to ask questions about any service that we provide either in the hospital or the community.
“Our Governors represent the interests of the Trust members and the general public we serve and this public meeting provides the opportunity to see them in action and engage with them both formally and informally.
“We welcome questions from the public or members of the Trust. These should be addressed to the Chairman, along with confirmation of attendance at the meeting, and sent to nhsfoundationtrust@hdft.nhs.uk no less than 24 hours prior to the meeting.”
Papers will be available at the meeting or can be accessed via the Trust’s website one week before the meeting: https://www.hdft.nhs.uk/about/council-of-governors/governors-meetings/.