Members of the public are being invited to ‘virtually’ attend Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust’s Annual Members’ Meeting later this month, where they can hear the Coronavirus pandemic experiences of staff and patients.
The formal meeting takes place on Tuesday 29 September 2020, and offers members of the public the opportunity to join the Trust’s governors and senior leaders in a Microsoft Teams Live session. The Meeting takes place from 5-7pm and is open to everyone – no special software is required as the meeting can be viewed in a standard web browser.
Complementing the live, formal business of the meeting will be a series of pre-recorded films from staff and patients across the Trust’s footprint (North Yorkshire and the North East) giving some insight into how the Coronavirus pandemic has impacted on NHS services and individuals.
Using the Teams Live Q&A function, there will also be an opportunity to ask questions of senior Trust colleagues, including Chairman Angela Schofield and Chief Executive Steve Russell. Questions can also be submitted in advance of the meeting.
Angela Schofield, Chairman of Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust, said: “While our Annual Members’ Meeting officially covers the financial year 2019/20, the topic on everyone’s minds will be the Coronavirus pandemic. I’m really pleased that colleagues and patients will be providing interesting insight into their experiences over the past few months.
“Our Meeting is usually a really busy event where we are able to meet in person to share our reflections on the past year, and speak with our Foundation Trust members and members of the public. Unfortunately, we’re not able to do that this year, but we would still be delighted if you were able to join us, albeit remotely.
“We hope there will be a lot interest in the meeting. Please book your place as soon as possible.”
Anyone who wishes to join the meeting is asked to book by contacting the Foundation Trust Office on 01423 554432 or via email at: Elaine.culf@nhs.net. A link to the meeting will then be shared, along with supporting information.
A copy of the Meeting agenda will be available on the Trust’s website in due course.