2018 is going to be a big year not only at Harrogate Hospital Radio but also Harrogate District Hospital.
Over the last few years, Hospedia have provided entertainment not just within HDH but many hospitals throughout the UK. Many hospitals including HDH will, if not done so already, be terminating their contracts with the company throughout the course of the year.
In the case of HDH, the bedside equipment will be removed in November. HDH management have agreed an alternative solution and are in the process of installing public Wi-Fi throughout the hospital.
Where does that leave Harrogate Hospital Radio you may ask?
Well, after 40 years of broadcasting within the hospital – and with the new public Wi-Fi being installed – this gives us a great opportunity to widen our presence and broaden our audience and appeal.
YES, our plan is to STAY! This is a very exciting time for HHR as we move with the times.
I, along with the team at Harrogate Hospital Radio, have been working in the background to maintain our presence within the hospital to move with the times and changes. For us is a great opportunity.
Our plan is to provide Wi-Fi radios in public areas such as Herriots Restaurant, The cafe in reception, the main reception, and within as many departments such as A&E as we can (more about these areas as we announce them).
We are also working with other hospital radio stations to come up with hand-held devices for patients within the ward, to enable us to still provide our shows as well as our flagship request shows. Again more about this in the near future.
The BIG news for Harrogate Hospital Radio which will enable us to move forward is that we have launched our very own APP! And it is available to download now.
You can download it free of charge for your smartphone and tablet and it is available from the Apple App Store (for Apple devices) and any Android device through Play Store (such as Samsung devices).
You can listen to Harrogate Hospital Radio 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
To make a request, you can text the studio, you can email the studio or you can call the studio direct from your phone. It is so easy.
Remember anyone can download the APP, so if you are in hospital, your family and friends can listen and send a request and dedication at any time.
Well, that is all for now, but please keep tuned in to Harrogate Hospital Radio and watch out for our request collectors who will be able to advise you more when they visit the wards. Watch out for our programme guide as this too will have more information about our brand new APP.
Get APPY with the new app from Harrogate Hospital Radio. And enjoy!
Best wishes and get well soon.
Mark Oldfield
Chairman, Harrogate Hospital Radio