Hello, Thank you for taking time to read my December blog.
Well, what a year 2020 has been. No one could have ever predicted the months of heartache and despair the Coronavirus pandemic has brought to our daily routines and lives. March saw the UK go into lockdown, people wearing masks in shops, public transport, in Public places such as here at Harrogate Hospital.
Harrogate Hospital Radio have (fortunately) been able to carry on broadcasting live shows throughout the pandemic to Patients and staff at Harrogate District Hospital. Our fabulous team of volunteers have been able to access and present shows from our studios in a safe manor, broadcasting in a safe environment approved by The Infection control team at HDFT.
This year Harrogate Hospital radio have had to cancel all our outside broadcasting events such as the Great Yorkshire show, The Knaresborough Bed race, The Nidderdale show to name a few events we normally attend. Cancelling these events have had a massive impact (as have many other charity organisations) on our fundraising. Harrogate Hospital Radio rely purely on fundraising to provide the service we give at HDFT.
In April, due to the pandemic we had the opportunity thanks to a grant from the Masons to purchase a piece of equipment called ‘Cleanfeed’ Thus allowing our vulnerable broadcasters to broadcast from home and allow presenters to conduct interviews on line from the comfort of their own home/office.
On another note, I am proud and pleased to welcome three new presenters to Harrogate Hospital Radio.
Chris Wright, The Noughties show (Saturday 5-7pm).
Marcia Clarke, The wellbeing food for the soul show (Thursday 5-6pm)
Daniel Wilson, The Daniel Wilson Show (Saturdays 1-3pm)
Steve Allen, Osmium, Rock and Metal show (Sunday 6-8pm)
I am also delighted to announce Daniel Wilson has taken over the role from Ellie Jackson as Fundraising officer.
On November 23rd Daniel, along with myself launched a ‘Design a Christmas jumper’ in association with The Children’s Woodlands ward and Schools in the Harrogate District.
We have 3 categories for Children to enter and the prizes have been kindly donated by ASDA, Harrogate and the COOP, Jenny fields Harrogate.
The Winners will be announced live on a Christmas eve special show hosted by Daniel and myself 10.00- 12.00noon.
The world welcomed the news a few weeks ago that a possible vaccine for Covid -19 and will be available once approved.
With this hope, we all hope to be able to return to our normal lives as soon as possible, that gives Harrogate the opportunity to recommence request collecting on the wards at Harrogate District Hospital and welcome our vulnerable presenters back to the studios.
Harrogate Hospital Radio hopes to be back out ‘on the road’ bringing ‘The outside in’ from the places mentioned earlier.
Our aim in 2021 (Thanks to the help of our local MP, The RT HON Andrew Jones) is to bring Harrogate Hospital Radio to Harrogate and surrounding area on FM, a campaign to OFCOM that has been ongoing since 2018.
I will keep everyone updated on this next exciting step of 43 years of broadcasting at Harrogate District Hospital once I have more information.
Until next time, Stay safe and please keep supporting Harrogate Hospital Radio and please sign our petition, all details on our website www.harrogatehospitalradio.org.uk
Seasons greetings and a prosperous 2021 and of course STAY SAFE.